If using code that potentially can fail from time to time it is possible to use a Try Catch-statement and programmatically handle the error as opposed to having the application error out. Syntax for Try/Catch statement: Try // Commands to try to execute End Try Catch // Commands to execute when an error occurs End Catch
TRY // Try the commands between this line and End Try IMPORT \[budget\]=excelfile.\{select * from \[c:\budget\custombudgetfile.xlsx\]\} // Import budget from file that may be edited by people in the organizationEND TRYCATCH // If the try fails the commands in this catch block will be executed PRINT 'An error occurred loading the custom budget file - will default to loading the audited budget file' IMPORT \[budget\]=excelfile.\{select * from \[c:\budget\auditedbudgetfile.xlsx\]\} // Load the budget file that we knowEND CATCH |