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Wiki Markup
Modifies the table structure by adding a new column.  Syntax:ALTER TABLE table_name ADD COLUMN new_column_name = \{ sql_expression\}  Example:
 ALTER TABLE customer ADD COLUMN customerType = \{CASE WHEN "Source Type"=1 THEN 'Retail' ELSE 'Wholesale' END\} 
ALTER TABLE tStageCustLedgerEntry ADD COLUMN wAgingBucket = \{IIF(\[Open\]=0 AND \[wRemainingAmountLCY\]<>0,  CASE WHEN \[wAgingDaysOverdue\] <= 0  THEN 0   WHEN \[wAgingDaysOverdue\] > 0  AND \[wAgingDaysOverdue\] <= 30 THEN 30   WHEN \[wAgingDaysOverdue\] > 30 AND \[wAgingDaysOverdue\] <= 60 THEN 60   WHEN \[wAgingDaysOverdue\] > 61 AND \[wAgingDaysOverdue\] <= 90 THEN 90   WHEN \[wAgingDaysOverdue\] > 90 THEN 120  ELSE 0  END, 0)\}