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TARGIT Anywhere is the browser based client for your daily data consumption. With TARGIT Anywhere you will have access to your organization's library of TARGIT analyses, reports and dashboards.

TARGIT Anywhere is a 'Viewer' client, i.e. you cannot create new content with this client. You can, however, open any existing document and apply your analytical skills upon it through filtering of data, drilling into details, exporting to Excel, sharing with colleagues etc.


Since the Anywhere client is running in a web browser, the first thing you need to know is the URL for the Anywhere web service. Typically, this would be 'http://localhost/anywhere/', where 'localhost' would need to be replaced with the name of the server that is running Anywhere in your organization. If in doubt, ask the person responsible for the TARGIT installation for the correct URL.

Normally, you will need your standard domain username and password to log on to the Anywhere client.

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Pinned Folders

The predominant feature of the Start page is the Pinned folders.

Pinned folders offer you an easy-to-overview thumbnail presentation of your preferred analyses, reports and dashboards. Click any of these thumbnails to open the document.

Add other folders to your Pinned folders for easy access.


This section is intended for users who administrate a TARGIT solution.

Setup - Front-End

Number Format

By default this setting is checked on new installations and therefore all formatting is done on the client side according to the login (or browser) language. If this setting is disabled all number formatting is done on the server according to the system language and all clients will see the same number formatting. An advantage of using client-side formatting is the reductions in query result size, especially with cross tables. Both the server and client-side formatting may be overwritten by changing the number formatting on the individual data objects in the clients.

The currency setting decides what currency is used when using the currency number format.

Note: When upgrading from versions prior to build 4062, client-side formatting is disabled to ensure backward compatibility.


Anonymous usage statistics are sent to TARGIT for improving and selecting future features. The statistics contains a list of features that users use in the client (ribbon content, right-click menu content and so on), but does not point out individual users nor does it contain any customer data. Click the Privacy policy link for details.

Splash screen

Display: May be set to Disabled, Default or Custom. Information on how to use the Splash screen settings are displayed when hovering the i to the right of the field.

URL: The URL for the custom website to display may be entered.

Menu name: The name of the Menu item that reopens the splash screen may be entered.

Enforce display in clients: If the display of the splash screen should be enforced, a check-mark may be set.

Data request cache

The following settings may be turned up or down for data request caching:

Cache size limit (Mb): Makes it possible to set the maximum size for the disk space allowed for caching (in Mb, default 1024 Mb).

Minimum free disk Space (Mb): Makes it possible to indicate the minimum size of free disk space required to enable the cache (in Mb, default 256 Mb).

File count limit: Makes it possible to set the maximum number of files in the cache. (Default 1000 files).

Idle file expiration (days): Makes it possible to indicate the number of days an idle cache file is kept before it is deleted (default 10 days).

Note that caching of data requests may be set to on or off on a database connection.

Client update

Update clients automatically: When end-users log on with the TARGIT Desktop App, the client version is checked against the server version. If the server version is newer, the TARGIT Desktop App will automatically be updated to match the server version.

Shortcut name and icon: As an Administrator you have the option to define the name and the icon of the TARGIT Desktop App as it should appear in the end-user's Windows Start menu.

Redirect to server: If the TARGIT installation is moved from one server to another, this option can be used to automatically redirect logins from the old server to the new server.

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Setup - Back-End


The logging option allows requests to be logged in the auxiliary database. By default analysis requests are logged when checking the 'Log Analysis requests to auxiliary database' option, but it is possible to add storyboard requests to the logging by checking the 'Log storyboard requests' option. The counter adjust button ‘Keep data for’ is used for specifying the number of months to keep the logged requests in the database. If 0 (zero) is selected, the requests are kept until they are removed manually. If logging is disabled after being enabled the logging stops as soon as the currently running requests stops. If logging is enabled again, the logging does not start for the currently logged on users - only the ones logging on later. If the Auxiliary connection is changed while logging is enabled, the log will continue to use the old connection - until logging is stopped and restarted or the TARGIT Server is restarted.

Online License Update

Automatic license update may be enabled and a one hour period may be selected for the update to take place. The current license is sent, at a random time within the given time period, to the licensing server and a check for an updated license is made. If an update is needed e.g. due to expiration or update to a later version, the license will automatically be updated.

Criteria request cache

The following settings may be turned up or down for criteria request caching:

Cache size limit (Mb): Makes it possible to set the maximum size for the disk space allowed for caching (in Mb, default 1024 Mb).

Minimum free disk Space (Mb): Makes it possible to indicate the minimum size of free disk space required to enable the cache (in Mb, default 256 Mb).

File count limit: Makes it possible to set the maximum number of files in the cache. (Default 1000 files).

Idle file expiration (days): Makes it possible to indicate the number of days an idle cache file is kept before it is deleted (default 10 days).

Note that caching of criteria requests may be set to on or off on a database connection.

Multiple Logins

The default setting is that only one user can be logged on to the TARGIT Management client at a time. Use this setting to enable multiple simultaneous logins to the TARGIT Management client. However, if enabled, a warning will be displayed if a user attempts to log in while another user is already logged in. You will be warned that your work may potential be lost if another user is working on and saving the same settings that you are working on.

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Document Search

The 'Search' option is especially useful when you need to look up a specific document among a large amount of documents spread across multiple folders and subfolders.

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Criteria - filtering your data

Your analysis may have been designed with some pre-selected dimensions for applying criteria or filters to the data. These dimensions will be available for the 'Criteria bar' on top of your analysis.

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Drill Down Criteria

Drill down criteria is a unique and extremely useful feature of the TARGIT client. You apply a Drill down criteria when you click a specific dimension member in one of your objects. Eg. if you click a specific salesperson in one of you crosstabs, then, that salesperson will work as a filter - as a drill down criteria - upon all the other crosstabs and graphs in your analysis, thereby reflecting data for that specific salesperson.

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Object related functions

When hovering or right clicking an object in the Anywhere client you will see a number of object related options.

    • Information / Explanation - Useful for knowing which criteria currently applies to an object.
    • Show Data / Chart - will toggle between Chart or Crosstab presentation of data.
    • Multi select - enables selection of multiple dimension members for Drill down selections (especially useful on mobile platforms).
    • Drill out - removes any Drill down selections from the object.
    • Export to Excel - export the crosstab data to Excel. If performed on a Chart, the underlying crosstab will be exported.
    • Collapse level / Expand level - If the dimension in an object is a hierarchical dimension, you can use these options to quickly collapse to a previous level or expand all nodes to the next level.
    • Maximize / Restore - you can maximize a single object to "full screen", and likewise restore it back to its original position.
    • Action / Drillthrough - If your data has been set up with Actions or Drillthroughs, these options will be available. A Drillthrough is normally set up to provide further details - eg. individual invoices - behind a summarized number.

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Dynamic criteria

Another unique feature of TARGIT is the ability to work with Dynamic criteria on your time dimensions. With Dynamic criteria you can apply criteria to your analyses, such as Year to date, Previous month, Yesterday etc. Eg., if you have an analysis with a Previous month dynamic criteria that you open in November, it will automatically show data for October; and when you later open the same analysis in December, it will automatically show data for November.

Please note that Dynamic Criteria must be enabled on the saved document before you can use it in the Anywhere client.

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The Anywhere client is designed as a pure Consumer client - i.e. you cannot create or save documents from the Anywhere client. You can in fact only work with existing analyses from the Anywhere client.

Once you have opened an existing analysis, you can of course still apply personal criteria to that analysis. The Bookmark function offers an opportunity to save these personal criteria together with the analysis - so next time you open the Bookmark, it will automatically apply the criteria to the saved analysis.

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Share your findings

When working with an analysis, you may discover findings that you would like to share with one of your colleagues. The Anywhere client can do this fairly simple by clicking the Share button.

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