Download The BI Accelerator Package

You can download BIA packages, for many different ERP platforms, directly from the web site. 

Make sure you select the correct platform (SQL Server version) upon which you want to deploy the BIA Data Warehouse.

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Extract Package; Run Accelerator

Extract executable files from the downloaded BI Accelerator package to a folder from where it can run and re-run as often as you like.

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Check for Required Software

The BI Accelerator will check for software requirements according to the selected SQL server platform before proceeding to the next steps.

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Required TARGIT Decision Suite

The TARGIT Decision Suite is required to complete the configuration of the TARGIT BI Accelerator. If not already installed, you can install the version that comes with the Accelerator package.

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The Accelerator needs a license to proceed. This could be an existing license, a newly purchased license or a Demo license that is requested through the Accelerator Configuration Wizard.

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