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News in TARGIT 2018

A lot of new features are available with the 2018 release. Below we will walk you through all of the major changes.

Layout Objects styling and templates

The 2018 Layout objects have extensive options for formatting the content: text and/or images.

The template concept makes it easy to manage and reuse predefined styles to give your TARGIT analyses a consistent look and feel.

Menu items and Layout objects have merged together in 2018 by sharing templates among them and by sharing the same properties dialog.

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Dynamic content

The "Dynamic content" options has expanded considerably with the 2018 release.

It is available for all objects. For Layout objects and Menu items, in captions and subcaptions - for other objects, in Title, Labels and Mouse overs.

Generally, the options are:

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Local Criteria on Layout Objects

The ability to add Local Criteria to Layout Objects makes it possible to do this:

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Formatted Crosstab Titles

In TARGIT, for graphical objects, you have been able to add titles with extended formatting options for a number of versions by now.

This functionality, for the 2018 version, has now been ported to the Crosstab object as well.

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<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/262932781" noborder="0" width="800" height="450" allow="fullscreen" scrolling="yes" seamless></iframe>

KPI objects

In general, a KPI object is an object suitable for displaying high level, current values of important measures.

While focus is on the measure value itself, proper use of additional text, images and color could further support the presentation of the value.

A KPI object is limited to a maximum of three measures. However, if more are needed, you would simply insert as many KPI objects to your analysis as you need.

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<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/274062287" noborder="0" width="800" height="450" allow="fullscreen" scrolling="yes" seamless></iframe>

Customized KPI objects

With the proper graphics tool, one that is capable of creating and editing SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) files, you can create and import your own KPI images into TARGIT.

This example will show you how you can download one of the existing KPI images, modify this KPI image using InkScape, and eventually re-import the modified KPI image to TARGIT.

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<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/274080821" noborder="0" width="800" height="450" allow="fullscreen" scrolling="yes" seamless></iframe>

New Trigger options

With TARGIT 2018, we have expanded the options when working with Triggers. The full list actions are:

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Crosstab Titles

The crosstab object was the remaining object type that did not have the possibility to add a formatted and dynamic title. But now it does too :-)

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Instant add/remove measures and dimensions

In previous versions you would have to switch between Define and Fetch in order to add, remove or replace a measure or a dimension in an object. Now you can simply click the source data (measures or dimensions) to have them instantly added or removed.

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Totally revamped Anywhere client

The Anywhere client has been redesigned to give you a much better user experience. To mention just a couple of the new and improved features:

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Automatic Update of the TARGIT Windows Client

TARGIT 2018 introduces a new Deployment Model that is supposed to make life easier in organizations that rely heavily on the TARGIT Windows Client.

Until now, when updating the TARGIT Server, you would need to go through the process of updating every single TARGIT Windows Client installation as well. In large organizations, this could be a tedious task – potentially making IT departments reluctant from doing frequent updates, despite the benefits from always being on the latest and best platform.

The new Deployment Model simply means that from version 2018 and forward, all Clients will automatically update when the Server is updated.

Watch the video for a demonstration of this awesome new feature as seen from an end-user's perspective.

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First time installation of 2018 Client Launcher

Although the 2018 Deployment Model ensures that TARGIT Windows Clients will automatically update when the Server is updated, the very first installation of TARGIT 2018 does require a one time installation of the so-called Client Installer on end-users' PCs.

Fortunately, you can easily distribute links to this one-time installation as well as links to configuration of the server connection. Watch the video for a demonstration of links distribution and first time installation.

Silent installation are also supported. To see the fulls list of parameters available, please launch the Client Installer with the “/?” parameter (“C:\ProgramData\TARGIT\ANTServer\ClientUpdate\ClientInstall.exe /?”) from the command prompt. Also, for further info on the new Deployment Model, please refer to the "Deployment Guide" in TARGIT's Download Center.

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Launching the Management Client 

In TARGIT 2018, the Management Client no longer has its own shortcut. Instead, you access the Management Client through the Client Launcher.

Alternatively, use a RUN command to open the Management client with targit://[servername]/manage.

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Management Client Multiple Users

With the 2018.3 version you can enable an option to let multiple administrators work on the Management client simultaneously.

When you do this, you should be aware of the risk of losing changes if multiple administrators are working simultaneously on the same entity - e.g. if two administrators are trying to make changes to the same Role simultaneously.

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Setup, Change Service Account

Choose the Service Account, according to your organisation's security policy, that should run the TARGIT Server.

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