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News in TARGIT 2021

TARGIT 2019 update 4, according to the release notification, is primarily a maintenance release, fixing a number of known issues. However, a few new features and feature improvements did enter the release as well.

The new features include:

    • "Fit to page width / page height / whole page" options when designing new Dashboard layouts for mobile platforms.
    • Improved Object Toolbar behavior.

Fit to page width

On a mobile platform, especially on a Smartphone, you will probably want to create a dashboard layout that is different from the dashboard layout that you use for PC screens.

The idea with multiple layouts has been supported since the initial TARGIT 2019 release, even making layouts specific for mobile platforms.

However, until now, these layouts have worked as "full screen" layouts, so most things you designed still needed to be crammed into the size of a PC screen or a Smartphone screen.

The new thing is that you can now make layouts designed for scrolling, and this is especially useful for Smartphone users who can now examine each individual object in detail before scrolling on to the next objects.

Fit to page width in an example: A Dashboard designet for a long, scrolling Smartphone layout:

<div style="margin-left: 30.0px">
<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/407884045" noborder="0" width="800" height="450" allow="fullscreen" scrolling="yes" seamless></iframe>

Improved Object Toolbar behavior

The Object Toolbar, the toolbar you see when you hover or click an object, has seen two small, yet significant changes:

  • The timeout for auto hiding the object toolbar has been reduced from 4000 milliseconds to now 750 milliseconds.
  • A shadow effect has been added to the toolbar.

The first change adresses the issue of end-users complaining about the toolbar "getting in the way" of seeing the data or doing other things, such as sorting by columns. Now, if you don't move the mouse for 750 milliseconds (3/4 of a second) it will automatically disappear.

The second change adresses an issue where the toolbar "faded into the background" if the background had the same grey color as the toolbar.

Examples on improved Object Toolbar behavior:

<div style="margin-left: 30.0px">
<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/407927874" noborder="0" width="800" height="450" allow="fullscreen" scrolling="yes" seamless></iframe>

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