DateTime- Data Discovery Plugin
The DateTime plugin does not rely on any data source in itself. It creates a dataset with a single column of dates (and time stamps). This dataset can be useful when you need a DateTime dimension in your cube.
Adding the Data Source
The DateTime plugin is an 'Other' data source.
Enter a unique name for this data source. This is the name of the data source as it will appear in the Data Sources list in TARGIT Data Discovery.
Start from
If 'Use Dynamic Start Date' is checked, you will get options to enter a dynamic start date such as 1 year ago, 3 months back or last 30 days. All these options are relative to today's date.
Examples: If today is April 14 2020, then 'last 1 years' will give a start date April 14 2019; 'last 3 months' will give a start date January 14 2020; 'last 30 days' will give a start date March 15 2020.
If 'Use Dynamic Start Date' is unchecked, you will get an option to select a specific start date.
If 'Use today's date for every update' is checked, the end date of your data range will always be today's date - provided that the DateTime plugin i scheduled to run every day! Otherwise it will be the date of the last time the plugin was run.
If 'Use today's date for every update' is unchecked, you will get an option to select a specific end date.
Use Custom Interval
If unchecked, each entry in the DateTime dataset will be a full date (with a 00:00:00 time stamp).
If checked, you will get an option provide an interval by hours, minutes or seconds. E.g., if you select an interval of 4 hours, each date in the dataset will be represented with a time stamp of 00:00:00, 04:00:00, 08:00:00 etc. as in the example below.
Note: To use the time stamp information for anything useful when you design dashboards, you will need to look into the .raw Dimension folder in the TARGIT client. Look for the 'Date time.raw' dimension.
Use Accurate Time
With this option you can enter a time stamp into the 'Update time' field. The time stamp must be in the format hh:MM:ss.
E.g., if you enter '10:45:00', each of the dates in the dataset will be time stamped with '10:45:00'.
Click the ‘Set’ button to configure how often to update the data for this data source
The scheduling options can be set to: Minutes, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly.