This is the main configuration file for the TARGIT InMemory Database Server service. It is placed in the install directory for the tiServer executable. All configuration parameters currently go into the general section. The main required ones are set by the installer:
- data_dir Directory of the data files.
- Port Port to run the TARGIT InMemory Database on. Default value is 5060.
- Password Password to validate against when clients connect.
Optional parameters are:
- Nocache Setting this to true, will cause subselect inner queries not to be cached. This causes nocache to become the default behaviour.
- Maxcpus Specify an integer here to limit the maximum number of cores that that TARGIT InMemory Database uses to process a query. When running on computers with large number of cores > 16, setting a value of 50% of the number of cores, can help performance.
- unload_timer Specify an integer here that causes inactive databases to be unloaded after that amount of time in minutes. This helps reduce memory consumption, when you have large numbers of databases, of which only a % are being used concurrently. Default is 0, which causes inactive databases not to be unloaded.
- unload_temptables Specify an integer here that causes inactive temp to be released automatically after that amount of time in minutes. The system default is 30 minutes.
- log_dir Lets you specify a directory to place the log file for the TARGIT InMemory Database.
- Logall For systems with a high amount of queries it is beneficial to turn off logging all queries. This can be done by setting the value in the TARGITDB.INI file to logall=false
- Querycache Query cache controls whether the database itself should provide a layer of caching for TARGIT. By default the query cache holds the cached data in memory for 10 minutes. This can be controlled by the querycache_timeout parameter. Please note that resultsets with with more than 10 million rows or where rows * columns > 100 million will also not be cached.
- querycache_timeout This parameter controls the amount of time resultsets are kept in cache. The value specified is in minutes.
- LazyLoad
Setting this to true will enable the LazyLoad mode. This loads columns on demand, and reduces memory consumption.
- lazyload_unload_column_timer
Setting this to a number e.g. 15 will cause database columns to be unloaded after 15 minutes of inactivity, when lazyload is set.
- Windowsauth
Setting this to true, makes the server run in Windows Authentication mode. windowsauth_roleWhen windowsauth is set, this specifies a role that is allowed to connect. Default value is Administrators.
- Encrypt
Setting this to true, will make the server run in encrypted mode.
- encrypt_cert
Specifies the file location of the server certificate for encryption. ( PFX File)
- encrypt_password
Specifies the encryption password for the cert specified by encrypt_cert
- Skiptables
Specifies a comma separate list of tables / or table patterns not to load. Patterns use sql like syntax. E.g. skiptables=stage% would cause any table starting with stage not to load. Designed to help reduce memory consumption by specifying certain tables not to load.
- query_log_size
Setting this to a non zero number e.g. 10000 will cause the server to remember the last 10,000 queries for each database. This information can then be retrieved with select * from information_schema.query_log