Here is a rundown of the Toolbox:
- Bulk Import – Similar to Import, the user is provided means to specify all tables, as well as columns to be imported from the user defined Data Source. This allows tremendous flexibility of the import, whereas Import will import only the table defined to import. The imports run serialized, so if you have a very large database, then you will probably want this to run in Parallel. See: BULK IMPORT
- ClusteredIndex – Allows the user, when the data becomes extremely big, then you can generate a clustered index. See: CLUSTEREDINDEX
- Condition – Allows the user to define a condition, like an IF Statement, if condition one is true, then execute what is in the Condition block, else execute condition two. See: CONDITION
- Drop – Allows a user to drop temporary tables that may have been created via a Script. See: DROP
- Enum – Allows the user to create an enumeration, which is a new table, used for translating one value to another as needed. See: ENUM
- Execute – Allows the user to execute a custom script. See: EXECUTE
- Exit – Allows the user to exit and update the views and exits out of a condition with an exit code, defined by the user or by default. See: EXIT
- Group – Allows the user to group toolbox items which can simplify/clean their workspace. See: GROUP
- Import – The most basic import tool, which the user will have to define the Data Source, Query, Query Type, Code Generation and Name. See: IMPORT
- Parallel – When the user is attempting to Bulk Import a large database, this will allow a user to import the Bulk Import all at once, rather than serialized. Simply place your Parallel Tool item on the workspace, then drag the Bulk Import into the Parallel box. See: PARALLEL
- Save – Allows the user to complete the import and save to local storage, in the publish deployment folder the InMemory Database Store File. See: SAVE
- Script – Allows the user to define a specific script to perform queries that suits their needs. See: SCRIPT
- Slurp – Allows the user to define a data source to consume the entire contents of the database, which is unlike Bulk Import and Import, this may be useful, if new tables are added to the database. See: SLURP
- Union – Allows the user to concatenate two tables if they are identical. See: UNION
Bulk Import
The TARGIT InMemory ETL workspace might look something like this:
Data Source – the user defined data source from Data Sources Tables – are the tables the user has selected from the Data Source, see below for more details. Code Generation – allows the user to make the code Active, Disable, or Disable and Hide: (See: Code Generation)
Configure ColumnsConfigure Columns – allows the user to pick specific columns and specific tables to be imported into the TARGIT InMemory Database.
Clicking the Next button allows the user to provide any additional details to the Tables, including renaming the name of the table. Clicking Finish will complete all the configuration of the Tables.
Clustered Index
The TARGIT InMemory ETL workspace might look something like this:
Code Generation – allows the user to make the code Active, Disable, or Disable and Hide: (See: Code Generation) Column – user defined column Table – user defined table
The TARGIT InMemory ETL workspace might look something like this:
Query – user defined condition to test. Code Generation – allows the user to make the code Active, Disable, or Disable and Hide: (See: Code Generation) Name – allows the user to define a name for the Condition block
The TARGIT InMemory ETL workspace might look something like this:
Code Generation – allows the user to make the code Active, Disable, or Disable and Hide: (See: Code Generation) Table – allows the user to identify the Table that should be dropped.
The TARGIT InMemory ETL workspace might look something like this:
Items – allows the user to predefine the enumerations by clicking the Configuration button, see below. Code Generation – allows the user to make the code Active, Disable, or Disable and Hide: (See: Code Generation). Name – allows the user to name the Enum Block.
Table – allows the user to name the new Table Key column name – allows the user to define the column name (Generally default is acceptable) Value column name – allows the user to define the value name (Generally default is acceptable) Type – allows the user to define what type of value is being defined as well as pasting values from excel
The TARGIT InMemory ETL workspace might look something like this:
Query – is the user defined script that will be executed. Code Generation – allows the user to make the code Active, Disable, or Disable and Hide: (See: Code Generation). Name – allows the user to define a name for the Execute block.
The TARGIT InMemory ETL workspace might look something like this:
Code Generation – allows the user to make the code Active, Disable, or Disable and Hide: (See: Code Generation). Exit Code – allows the user to define a specific exit code or utilize the default.
The TARGIT InMemory ETL workspace might look something like this:
Code Generation – allows the user to make the code Active, Disable, or Disable and Hide: (See: Code Generation). Name – allows the user to define a name for the Group block.
The TARGIT InMemory ETL workspace might look something like this:
Data Source – the user defined data source from Data Sources. Query – is the table the user has selected from the Data Source. Query Type – allows the user to define a query, which will exist in the Query box above. Code Generation – allows the user to make the code Active, Disable, or Disable and Hide: (See: Code Generation). Name – allows the user to define a name for the Import block.
The TARGIT InMemory ETL workspace might look something like this:
Code Generation – allows the user to make the code Active, Disable, or Disable and Hide: (See: Code Generation). Name – allows the user to define a name for the Parallel block. Parallel Execution – allows the user to enable or disable parallel processing.
The TARGIT InMemory ETL workspace might look something like this:
Code Generation – allows the user to make the code Active, Disable, or Disable and Hide: (See: Code Generation).
The TARGIT InMemory ETL workspace might look something like this:
Query – the user defined script. Code Generation – allows the user to make the code Active, Disable, or Disable and Hide: (See: Code Generation). Name – allows the user to define a name for the Script block.
The TARGIT InMemory ETL workspace might look something like this:
Data Source – the user defined data source from Data Sources. Code Generation – allows the user to make the code Active, Disable, or Disable and Hide: (See: Code Generation).
The TARGIT InMemory ETL workspace might look something like this:
Generate Single Command – allows the user to generate a single command line, and concatenate all at once. When unchecked the import is done for each table separately, then the concatenation happens. Use Temp – allows the user to use a Temp table, which will utilize more TARGIT InMemory Database memory. Code Generation – allows the user to make the code Active, Disable, or Disable and Hide: (See: Code Generation). Name – allows the user to define a name for the Union block.
Code Generation
If the user selects Active then the code will be allowed to Run, shown in the Code Generation Box on the Work Space as illustrated below:
If the user selects Disable then the code will be Commented Out and will not Run, shown in the Code Generation Box on the Work Space (used for troubleshooting import issues) as illustrated below:
Disable and Hide.
If the user selects Disable and Hide then the code will be Commented Out and will not Run, and not shown in the Code Generation Box on the Work Space (used for troubleshooting import issues) as illustrated below: